Private Lesson Tuition Packages

Tuition Rates as of June 2024

Our academic year is divided into two parts: the school-year term and the summer term. Lessons are weekly through the school year and flexible through the summer. Tuition is paid in advance in installments of four, on a rolling basis (i.e., after each package of four is “used up”).

Tuition Payment Amounts (includes four lessons per payment)
30-minute weekly lessons: $188
45-minute weekly lessons: $280
60-minute weekly lessons: $360

Other Fees

Books and materials are given as needed and charged when they are received by the student. We will send invoices for books (up to $40 per semester). 

Premium Lessons

Select instructors on our staff teach specialized lessons which are billed at a different rate than our standard tuition. If you are paired with a premium teacher we will discuss your teacher’s tuition rates with you upon booking.

Call us at 404-537-1382 if you have questions.