We care about finding the right fit.

The human connection is very important in music lessons.

The teacher and student have to be compatible in temperament and musical interests. The teacher has to be able to provide just the right degree of structure, rigor, and reward for each student.

Our first step is choosing to work with versatile, experienced, personable teachers for whom music education is a priority. The very best teachers have established procedures that ensure success, yet they can adapt their approach to suit an individual student. 

Our second step is finding out about you!

That way, we can find the best possible teacher for your musical, personal, and logistical needs. 

We don't stop there. After your first lesson, we will check in with you to see how things went, and will continue to connect with you periodically to see whether your needs are still being met. If a change of teacher or instrument is necessary, we will help to make that transition as smooth as possible. 

Along the way, our students have the opportunity to perform at recitals, festivals, open mics, and more. We are building a community of musicians that you will become part of.


Learn more about our specialty lessons by clicking a button below, or keep scrolling for classic lessons!

Private Lesson Tuition

monthly payments

30 Minute Private Lessons: $180/month + $40 Annual Registration Fee

45 Minute Private Lessons: $270/month + $40 Annual Registration Fee

60 Minute Private Lessons: $345/month + $40 Annual Registration Fee

Other Fees

Books and materials are given as needed and charged when they are received by the student. We will send invoices for books (up to $40 per semester). 

In Home Lessons

A travel fee associated with in home lessons is added to base tuition per household.

Call us at 404-537-1382 if you have questions.

Ready to study with one of our pros?

Scheduled closures and other important dates:


Monday, September 2, 2024: Labor Day

Monday, November 25 through Friday, November 29, 2024: Thanksgiving Break

Monday, December 23, 2024 through Friday, January 3, 2025: Semester Break

Monday, January 20, 2025: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday, April 7 through Friday, April 11 2025: Spring Break

Monday, May 26, 2025: Memorial Day

Wednesday, June 19th, 2025: Juneteeth

Sunday, June 29 through Saturday, July 5, 2025: Summer Break

Flex Dates

Monday, October 14, 2024 through Friday, October 18, 2024: Indigenous Peoples’ Day // October Break

Thursday, October 31, 2024: Halloween

Private Lessons Policies

Terms & Conditions - for students enrolled after Jan 25, 2025

Our teachers reserve time on their schedules, plan for your lessons, and invest in the long-term development of each student. To provide regular, quality lessons, the following policies need to be observed. Please contact us if you have any questions.


  1. A $40 annual registration fee is due at initial sign-up and each year after for new and returning students. Returning Student is a student with one (1) or more months gap between enrollment

  2. Tuition is a flat monthly fee. Most months have four (4) or five (5) lessons, and on rare occasions, three (3) lessons when in observance of major national holidays (see our calendar).

  3. Tuition is due on the first of each month and is billed automatically. (“Auto-pay”). We do not accept cash or check.

  4. A $10 late fee will be charged for payment received after the 10th of each month for non auto-pay students.

  5. Included in the tuition: Regular weekly lesson time with your teacher. (Except when the studio is closed for holidays.  See our calendar). Two (2) yearly recital performance opportunities at no additional cost (Winter and Spring Recitals) + numerous mini recital performance opportunities.

  6. Music books are included in your tuition. Replacements for lost books will be invoiced.

  7. Educational materials, instrument rental, and other accessories are an additional cost.

  8. Students may purchase additional audition or recital preparation lessons.

Tuition Cancellation:
We understand that sometimes music lessons no longer work for our families. If you are not satisfied with your lessons, please contact our manager to provide advice and alternative solutions. We pride ourselves in accommodating each student and providing the best music education available in Atlanta.

  1. Tuition may be cancelled by submitting our DISCONTINUATION FORM. Discontinuation Form must be received by the 15th of the month to take effect at the end of that month. EXP: Discontinuation Form received on the 16th of May is billed for June and takes effect at the end of June. There are no exceptions.

  2. You may withdraw the cancellation at any time before it takes effect but your teacher and/or time slot can not be guaranteed. A $40 returning student registration fee will be required to re-enroll once the withdrawal takes effect.

  3. Active tuition is mandatory to participate in our events, auditions, and recitals.  All registration(s) will be withdrawn at the time of tuition cancellation.

  4. All Make-up Lesson Credit(s) on your account expires in 30 days from the cancellation effective date.

  5. Tuition is not transferable.

  6. Eclectic Music does not provide tuition refund under any circumstances.

  7. Eclectic Music reserves the right to terminate lessons, in which case prorated tuition will be refunded.


  1. Students are expected to be punctual to their weekly lessons.

  2. Students who are late for a lesson cannot be guaranteed their lesson time. 

Missed Lesson:

  1. No tuition credit or refund will be provided for missed lessons.

  2. A Make-up Lesson Credit will be issued when a lesson is cancelled with at least 24-hour advance notice (By email or online). Cancellations made with less than 24-hour notice will not qualify for a Make-up Lesson Credit (This includes being sick the day of a scheduled lesson). No more than three (3) Make-up Lesson Credits can be pending at a time per student.

  3. Credits can be used to schedule a Make-up Lesson online or by email at any available time with your teacher or other available teacher. Make-up Lessons cannot be rescheduled. Make-up Lesson Credit(s) expires 30 days after membership ends.

  4. Usage of Make-up Lesson Credits is never guaranteed, but is a courtesy extended to families to try to compensate for scheduling conflicts. If you are finding that it is consistently difficult to get to your weekly scheduled lesson, an alternate day or time for the lesson may be offered, pending teacher availability. 


  1. You may decide to change teacher, instrument, or lesson day/time with a 14-day advance notice before the 1st of the month. All changes are subject to teacher availability. 

  2. If your teacher is unable to teach a lesson, a substitute teacher will be arranged. On the rare occasion that no substitute can be found, student will be issues a Staff-cancellation credit.

  3. Regular lesson cancellation policy applies to substitute teachers. No Make-up Credit is issued for last minute substitutions.

  4. If your teacher becomes unavailable for regular lessons, you will be provided a new teacher with similar teaching style, or the opportunity to choose a new teacher.

​Inclement Weather:
If Eclectic Music must close due to inclement weather or another Act of God outside of our control, we will attempt to move lessons online or offer a makeup credit. If this is not possible, we will offer a monetary credit for the lesson.

Summer (June, July):
You may exceptionally put a membership on “Summer Hold” for up to four (4) weeks of summer with a 14-day notice before the 1st of the month.​

Students are expected to have a quality instrument in working order for their lessons (winds/brass strings) or a piano or keyboard at home to practice on.

Care of Students:
Eclectic Music is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. 


  • Eclectic Music does not accept certain types of behavior, e.g. bullying, violence, sarcasm, name-calling, abusive language or gestures, negative criticism of values, beliefs and opinions, and negative highlighting of physical, social cultural or emotional differences, and will intervene to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all.

  • Students and parents should respect the premises and leave the school clean and in good condition.

  • Good behavior and respect for teachers is essential. Respect for other students is also important, as disruptive behavior can prevent others from learning.

  • Eclecitc Music reserves the right to refuse re-enrollment if a student or parent is continually disruptive, causes damage to the school premises / equipment, or puts the safety of themselves or others at risk. Serious offenders could be at risk of losing their place at the school and / or term fees paid.

  • In the case of students under 18 years old, parents or guardians shall be notified and consulted in an attempt to rectify the situation. There may be an immediate dismissal of a lesson if necessary.


  • You assume all risk of injury or harm to the child(ren) or adult(s) associated with participation in musical activities at Eclectic Music and agree to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge Eclectic Music and its officers and staff from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses in the unlikely event of injury sustained by your child(ren) or adult student during the course or as a result of their participation in Eclectic Music musical activities.

Video Surveillance & Recording:

  • For the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors, Eclectic Music employs video and audio surveillance. The video feed may or may not be monitored at any time.

  • Unless requested in writing (makemusic@eclecticmusicatlanta.com) or upon registration, Eclectic Music is granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials Eclectic Music creates.  Permission is also hereby granted for Eclectic Music to copyright such photographs in its name.


  • If you are not satisfied with your lessons, please contact the director. You have two teachers: your own assigned teacher, and the director, Anna Dvorak. Anna is easily accessible and can provide advice and alternatives. We aim to accommodate each studentʼs changing needs and desires with our own services and also by sharing the best resources of Atlanta as a whole.


We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Policy effective upon enrollment. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Policies & terms are subject to change.