We care about finding the right fit.

The human connection is very important in music lessons.

The teacher and student have to be compatible in temperament and musical interests. The teacher has to be able to provide just the right degree of structure, rigor, and reward for each student.

Our first step is choosing to work with versatile, experienced, personable teachers for whom music education is a priority. The very best teachers have established procedures that ensure success, yet they can adapt their approach to suit an individual student. 

Our second step is finding out about you! That way, we can find the best possible teacher for your musical, personal, and logistical needs. 

We don't stop there. After your first lesson, we will check in with you to see how things went, and will continue to connect with you periodically to see whether your needs are still being met. If a change of teacher or instrument is necessary, we will help to make that transition as smooth as possible. 

Along the way, our students have the opportunity to perform at recitals, festivals, open mics, and more. Making Eclectic Music more than just music lessons, we are a community of musicians, a community that you will become part of.