Our youngest students must be turning five years old no later than the start of their selected program date and must be completely potty-trained. Our programs are designed for children up to grade 6.
Pick-up and Drop-off
There is a 15-minute grace period for pick-up and drop-off.
As soon as you know that you are going to be late picking up your child, please call us at 404-537-1382.
Nut-free facility
We run a nut-free and sesame-free facility, so that our kiddos with allergies can stay safe and their parents can stay relaxed! If your child accidentally has a snack or lunch with nut product, we will remove that food from the lunch room and will contact a parent or guardian immediately to bring another meal option for your child. We thank you in advance for your attention and care.
PLEASE bring
Each child will bring a bag lunch. We will serve a healthy snack. We take dietary restrictions and allergies very seriously and are happy to accommodate your needs in that area.
For children ages 6 and under, we recommend bringing a change of clothes just in case.
Your child may bring their instrument, but an instrument is not required to participate in camp.
Cancellations and Refunds
No refunds will be given for program cancellations. However, with two-weeks notice we can reschedule your child for a different camp, pending availability.
We can also transfer a camp credit to a future year’s camp or apply it towards private lessons.
Other Info
Eclectic Music's summer programs are not licensed by the state of Georgia and are exempt from being licensed by the same. Exemption granted with Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, 404-656-5957,
Eclectic Music programs carry liability insurance, however all Eclectic Music programs and its staff are held harmless from all liabilities. In the event of an accident, injury, or sickness, guardians accept all financial responsibility for any and all medical attention necessary to be administered to child(ren) they have enrolled in programming.
We regret that we cannot offer tours of our facility until after the camp session has begun.